Please note:The AEMA project website is at an advanced beta phase and more information is being entered into the database regularly. Translations are available for some pages in Spanish and Welsh and effort to provide full translation continues. If you spot any errors or have any comments, we could be very grateful if you could send us an email using the contact address on the "About" page.


Atlantic Europe in the Metal Ages explores the development of language in Atlantic Europe (Britain, Ireland, northwest France, western Iberia) from 2900BC to the arrival of Latin (AD 400). It aims to test the hypothesis that Celtic probably evolved from Indo-European in Atlantic Europe during the Bronze Age. The prestigious research team is being led by Professor John Koch at the University of Wales.

The project will make extensive use of GIS in compiling scientific evidence and a huge body of historical, linguistic and archaeological data, together with object metadata from the National Museum of Wales. Co-Investigator Paul Vetch, at King's College London's Department of Digital Humanities, will lead a team (including the Department's web mapping specialist, Neil Jakeman) on research and development work around the curation and visualisation of the GIS, and direct exposure of the evidential data following Open Data principles.